What's shaping your life?The most important commandment is this: "Love the LORD your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength." The commandment was first given to Israel in Deuteronomy and then reiterated by Christ during His earthly ministry. As a worship leader, I strive to love God in all of the above ways. As a part of loving God with all of my mind, I look not only to the intellectual study of Scripture but also to Christian resources that help me more fully understand who God is and how I can best serve Him as I minister to others. I have compiled a short list of books and websites that I have found helpful. I have included a brief summary of each of the resources next to the link or title.
The Ragamuffin Gospel by Brennan Manning
All too often Christians forget that our forgiveness and salvation are born from God's deep love for us, not due to anything within ourselves. We may give intellectual assent to these truths, but many times have a hard time believing them in our hearts. The Ragamuffin Gospel is a poignant and timely reminder that the Gospel is for the "bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out." Manning reminds us that we are more broken than we care to admit, and yet are loved by God with an outrageous, unconditional love! This book brought me deep healing and reassurance of the love God has for me.
The Worship Pastor by Zac Hicks
In this comprehensive book, worship leader and pastor Zac Hicks addresses the wide variety of pastoral issues worship leaders face. He argues persuasively that, no matter one’s title, worship leaders serve as pastors within their congregation. I believe this is a must read for new and old worship leaders alike.
You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith
In this short but insightful book, philosopher James K.A. Smith explores how the things we love shape who we are (and who we are becoming). He argues that we are not "brains on a stick," but rather holistic beings. In a world vying for our attention and affections, Smith reminds us we need to intentionally shape our loves through deliberate, repetitive practices (liturgies).
The Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren
In this short, humor-filled book, Pastor Warren candidly shares her life story and speaks to the practical theological connections between the liturgy of the Church and the everyday moments of our lives. In our waking, eating, commuting, and checking email, we live out our faith, the faith learned in and through the liturgy of the Church.
The Vulnerable Pastor: How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry by Mandy Smith
Pastor Smith humbly and sincerely explores the fragility and humanity of ministers and encourages them to minister out of (not in spite of) their weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
The Storytelling Church: Adventures in Reclaiming the Role of Story in Worship by Jeff Barker
In this compilation of short stories, drama professor Jeff Barker helps us to see the beauty and wonder of the Gospel in everyday life. I found these stories insightful, humorous, contemplative, and so much more. This is a great book to read for any Christian, but it especially serves as a guide for those who seek to share the Gospel through storytelling.
Christ Centered Worship by Bryan Chapell
In his book, Chapell systematically explores the various worship models that have been used by the church throughout history and how the spiritual atmosphere of that time shaped each model. He also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of each model without criticizing or holding up any model as preferred. This book is truly a gem for those looking to see how the history of Christian worship can inform how we worship God corporately today.
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World by Sandra Maria Van Opstal
In this insightful book, Van Opstal delves into the difficult topic of multicultural worship. The author insists that diverse worship is not optional, but rather a necessity that flows out of the reality of the diverse church expressed in Revelation 5.
Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI has an entire institute dedicated to Christian worship which hosts an annual symposium on worship. This website includes a searchable resource library of material from that symposium and other events hosted by the institute.
This site run by Bob Kauflin of Sovereign Grace Ministries provides useful articles on a variety of topics relevant to worship ministry. From Trinitarian theology to dealing with the death of a musician in your church, these practical articles address real life concerns and situations that impact how we do ministry. If you're looking to learn from an experienced worship pastor, check out this blog.
This website is also full of resources for you and your worship ministry. One of my favorite parts of this website is the song search function. You can search by key, theme, tempo, and the ministry from which the song came (i.e. Hillsong or Passion). They offer free songs every week which is another bonus.
All too often Christians forget that our forgiveness and salvation are born from God's deep love for us, not due to anything within ourselves. We may give intellectual assent to these truths, but many times have a hard time believing them in our hearts. The Ragamuffin Gospel is a poignant and timely reminder that the Gospel is for the "bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out." Manning reminds us that we are more broken than we care to admit, and yet are loved by God with an outrageous, unconditional love! This book brought me deep healing and reassurance of the love God has for me.
The Worship Pastor by Zac Hicks
In this comprehensive book, worship leader and pastor Zac Hicks addresses the wide variety of pastoral issues worship leaders face. He argues persuasively that, no matter one’s title, worship leaders serve as pastors within their congregation. I believe this is a must read for new and old worship leaders alike.
You Are What You Love by James K.A. Smith
In this short but insightful book, philosopher James K.A. Smith explores how the things we love shape who we are (and who we are becoming). He argues that we are not "brains on a stick," but rather holistic beings. In a world vying for our attention and affections, Smith reminds us we need to intentionally shape our loves through deliberate, repetitive practices (liturgies).
The Liturgy of the Ordinary by Tish Harrison Warren
In this short, humor-filled book, Pastor Warren candidly shares her life story and speaks to the practical theological connections between the liturgy of the Church and the everyday moments of our lives. In our waking, eating, commuting, and checking email, we live out our faith, the faith learned in and through the liturgy of the Church.
The Vulnerable Pastor: How Human Limitations Empower Our Ministry by Mandy Smith
Pastor Smith humbly and sincerely explores the fragility and humanity of ministers and encourages them to minister out of (not in spite of) their weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
The Storytelling Church: Adventures in Reclaiming the Role of Story in Worship by Jeff Barker
In this compilation of short stories, drama professor Jeff Barker helps us to see the beauty and wonder of the Gospel in everyday life. I found these stories insightful, humorous, contemplative, and so much more. This is a great book to read for any Christian, but it especially serves as a guide for those who seek to share the Gospel through storytelling.
Christ Centered Worship by Bryan Chapell
In his book, Chapell systematically explores the various worship models that have been used by the church throughout history and how the spiritual atmosphere of that time shaped each model. He also discusses the benefits and drawbacks of each model without criticizing or holding up any model as preferred. This book is truly a gem for those looking to see how the history of Christian worship can inform how we worship God corporately today.
The Next Worship: Glorifying God in a Diverse World by Sandra Maria Van Opstal
In this insightful book, Van Opstal delves into the difficult topic of multicultural worship. The author insists that diverse worship is not optional, but rather a necessity that flows out of the reality of the diverse church expressed in Revelation 5.
Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI has an entire institute dedicated to Christian worship which hosts an annual symposium on worship. This website includes a searchable resource library of material from that symposium and other events hosted by the institute.
This site run by Bob Kauflin of Sovereign Grace Ministries provides useful articles on a variety of topics relevant to worship ministry. From Trinitarian theology to dealing with the death of a musician in your church, these practical articles address real life concerns and situations that impact how we do ministry. If you're looking to learn from an experienced worship pastor, check out this blog.
This website is also full of resources for you and your worship ministry. One of my favorite parts of this website is the song search function. You can search by key, theme, tempo, and the ministry from which the song came (i.e. Hillsong or Passion). They offer free songs every week which is another bonus.